Enter title Rates
The average rate of a Enter title talent in WINaTALENT is Euro/hour.
How to hire Enter title through WINaTALENT
Talk to One of Our Tech Recruiters
One of WINaTALENT's tech Recruiters will have a meeting with you to understand your technical and cultural needs.
Review Our Hand-Selected Shortlist
Within days, we'll send you 1-3 hand-selected shortlists for your requirement.
Start working with your new talent
Work with your talent and use our Escrow account to pay only when the work is delivered
Start using WINaTALENT
We Search
We search among our talent pool based on your requirements
We Shortlist
We tailor a shortlist based on your requirements
You Hire
You can directly interview and hire your ideal candidate
Hear From Our Clients
Frequently Asked Questions
Q:What is so different about WINaTALENT talents?
A: We have gathered over 30,000 verified talents in our talent pool. These individuals offer more than just expertise and competitive rates; they are experienced problem solvers and challenge takers. In our talent acquisition process, we've specifically curated this group of talents. For more information, please visit our About Us page.
Q:What are the steps to hire Enter title From WINaTALENT?
A:When you begin hiring through WINaTALENT, you’ll work with a tech recruiter to identify your technical and non-technical requirements. Within approximately seven days, we will provide you with a shortlist of handpicked talents that you can evaluate and interview. We will continue shortlisting until you find the right talent
Q:How much does it take to hire Enter title From WINaTALENT?
A:You’ll receive the first set of shortlisted talents (between 1-3 profiles) in about 7 days. If none of them are the right match, we’ll keep the shortlisting process until you find the ideal talent.
Q:How is hiring Enter title From WINaTAENT a no-risk process?
A:When you hire Enter title From WINaTALENT, you pay into WINaTALENT’s Escrow account for your milestones with the talent. You only release funds for a milestone once it has been fully delivered.
Q:Does WINaTALENT handles the payments to the talent?
A:Yes, you make all your payments to WINaTALENT. Once a milestone is completed and you release the funds, they will be transferred to the talent's wallet.